cellulitis { f } [ med. ] | การติดเชื้อของผิวหนังและเนื้อเยื่ออย่างเฉียบพลัน |
Myelosuppression { f }; Knochenmarkshemmung { f } [ med. ] | (n) การกดการทำงานของไขกระดูก |
discretization | [[ dih-skree-tuh-zey-sjuhn ]] (n) 1. the act or process of making mathematically discrete. 2. the process of dividing a geometry into finite elements to prepare for analysis. |
einen Platzverweis erhalten [ sport ] | Sports To eject (a player), as from a soccer game, especially for a flagrant violation of the rules. |
Isometry { f } [ math. ] | (n) is a transformation that preserves the shape and size of the object (a mean in maths) |
Leukoplakie { f } [ med. ] | a disorder of a mucous membrane characterized by one or more white patches, occurring most commonly on the cheek, tongue, vulva, or penis: often medically insignificant but sometimes becoming malignant. |