AND KEPT IN ONE OF THEIR WORK CAMPS FOR THREE YEARS. | | [CN] 被关在了一个劳改营三年 Death by China (2012) |
It's no fun infiltrating the Camp? | | [CN] 混进内地劳改营不是开玩笑的 Police Story 3: Super Cop (1992) |
Your torture was conceived in the Gulags. | | [CN] 审讯你的方法 苏联是劳改营里发明的 Rosewater (2014) |
You've lost control over the camp. | | [CN] 你未能控制劳改营 As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me (2001) |
Were you in a camp? | | [CN] 你曾入住劳改营吗? As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me (2001) |
I decide whether you go to prison in a work camp in Missouri, or a kill house like Corcoran. | | [CN] 我能决定你是去密苏里的劳改营 I decide whether you go to prison in a work camp in ivlissouri, 还是科克伦这种朝不保夕的地方 or a kill house like corcoran. Sicario (2015) |
He looks... like the fugitive from Labor Camp | | [CN] 这个人的样子 好像前几天从劳改营逃走的重犯 Police Story 3: Super Cop (1992) |
Torgau is an extermination camp, a Socialist one. | | [CN] 这个劳改营就是个集中营 社会主义的 Barbara (2012) |
Do you know what Torgau is? The Torgau work-house? | | [CN] 您知道托尔高是哪里吗 知道劳改营吗 Barbara (2012) |
Psychiatrist is very scary thing for Russian. Means being sent to Gulag. | | [CN] 俄罗斯人是很害怕心理医生的 就好像是被送进劳改营一样 The Knight in White Satin Armor (2000) |
"OH, THERE'S A MATCH OUT IN WORK CAMP 400." | | [CN] "哦,在400号劳改营有一个匹配的"。 Death by China (2012) |
To rescue him from the Labor Camp | | [CN] 准备进劳改营救豹强出来 Police Story 3: Super Cop (1992) |
ALLOW PRODUCTION FACILITIES IN CHINA | | [CN] 怎么能允许售卖在中国的劳改营里生产的 Death by China (2012) |
For two years she'd cleaned pigsties on a re-education farm. | | [CN] 原来她在劳改营耙了两年猪粪 The Barbarian Invasions (2003) |
Ah, yes. L-Labour camp inspector. | | [CN] 对,你以前是劳改营的督察 Casino Royale (1967) |
She served 21 years in a Siberian gulag. | | [CN] 最后在西伯利亚劳改营服刑21年 我这还有东西给你看 Episode #1.5 (2007) |
I hear the Gulags are lovely this time of year. | | [CN] 听说古拉格劳改营这个时节最美呢 Fallout (2013) |
I called them. Two days, no more. | | [CN] 我和托尔高的劳改营通过电话了 Barbara (2012) |
He ended up retarded after being sent to a labor camp a couple of times. | | [CN] 听说他原本不是这样的 去了两次劳改营出来以后 就变得不大正常 Crossing (2008) |
and dragged off to some Siberian labor camp, that kind of thing. | | [CN] 是不是要害怕 有人半夜把你拽起来 拉到西伯利亚某个劳改营 诸如此类的事 Episode #1.3 (2007) |
The Chinese camps, we'll never know, but say 20 million. | | [CN] 中共劳改营算二百万人好了 The Barbarian Invasions (2003) |
AND HE SAW THESE BIG SLIPPERS THAT HE'D MADE IN THE WORK CAMP. | | [CN] 他看到了这些大拖鞋,正是他在劳改营做的 Death by China (2012) |
Never. It was like holiday in the camp | | [CN] 有什么辛苦呀 进劳改营像度假一样 Police Story 3: Super Cop (1992) |
With lice, starving to death, not human. | | [CN] 六个月之后 来了信 说送劳改营了 The Midges (2017) |
To think of the years i-- I spent in the gulag, | | [CN] 想起我在劳改营里的日子 Episode #1.5 (2007) |
His wife and kid will probably spend the rest of their lives in a labor camp. | | [CN] 他的老婆孩子大概要在劳改营 度过下半辈子了 Episode #1.1 (2007) |
"Is currently wanted in the U.S.S.R. on the charges of murder, kidnapping, rape extortion, currency speculation and drug dealing." | | [CN] 因贩毒而被送去劳改营六年 最近因为谋杀 绑架 强暴 乐索 假钱 Red Heat (1988) |
20 years after he came out the Gulags, they arrested him again. | | [CN] 从劳改营释放20年后 他们又把他逮捕了 被KGB主任审问 Archangel (2005) |
Mi-sun's dad was taken to a labor camp, because he went to China. | | [CN] 听说美善的爸爸 被抓去劳改营 是因为去中国的原因 Crossing (2008) |
So then they sent me to the Gulag. | | [CN] 这样他们就把我送进劳改营 Archangel (2005) |
A 73 year old survivor of the Gulag | | [CN] 一个73岁的劳改营幸存者 Archangel (2005) |
Listen... the old man, he didn't break in '53, or in the Gulag, or later when they hold him in. | | [CN] 对了 他在53年、劳改营和后来被审讯中 都没有泄漏秘密 Archangel (2005) |
[ WU ] YOU CAN GO TO CHINA, GO TO EVERY PRISON CAMP. | | [CN] [ 武 ]你可以去中国,去到每一个劳改营。 Death by China (2012) |
"THEY BEAT US MORE IN THE LAOGAI. | | [CN] "他们就会在劳改营里加倍虐待我们。 Death by China (2012) |
Shoot, and all your will end up in the camp. | | [CN] 有种开枪啊,你们这辈子都得蹲劳改营 1944 (2015) |
I was imprisoned at the labor camps there, before they brought me here. | | [CN] 我被他们带来这里之前 关在那里的劳改营 Company of Heroes (2013) |
6 million were exiled, 18 million were shipped off to the Gulags. | | [CN] 600万人被流放 1800万人被送往劳改营 Archangel (2005) |
FROM WHEREVER THE CAMP HAPPENS TO BE, | | [CN] 从不管碰巧是哪个劳改营, Death by China (2012) |