Dr. Baltar would like to start widespread testing as soon as possible but there are some serious limitations. | | [JP] バルター博士の意向では できるだけ早く、広範な テストをしたいようです ですが、重大な制限があります Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down (2004) |
You've written extensively about that... as the most likely explanation for why it's identical to our own planet. | | [JP] 広範囲に存在すると 書いていましたね 同一の惑星が存在する もっともらしい説明として Another Earth (2011) |
We gotta go! Massive loss of life will result. | | [JP] [ 生命体は広範囲に喪失 ] Amber 31422 (2010) |
And that after extensive police investigations... | | [JP] 広範囲にわたる 警察の捜査の後... The Empty Hearse (2014) |
It was taped to the bottom of a delivery van. | | [JP] 捕食に加えて 広範囲に骨折があるわ Bones (2005) |
But we could see wide spread server crashes | | [JP] 広範囲にわたるサーバーの故障が 確認されています Kick-Ass (2010) |
"Surfline" surfing spokesman Jeff Tripp said people should be very vigilant this time of year, as we've seen large gatherings of sharks in the waters following the whales along the coast. | | [JP] サメがクジラを追って 海岸沿いの広範囲に 集まっているとして 一層の警戒が必要であると 述べています Bait (2012) |
Says that proof of its practical application is pretty shaky. | | [JP] バーゲン理論の 広範囲な研究をしました 実用的なアプリケーションの証明が かなり不確実であると言います 明日彼は 会議で講演をします VS. (2009) |
The emotional fallout from these types of traumas can be extensive. | | [JP] 精神的外傷からの 感情的な後遺症 広範囲で有り得ます The Devil's Share (2013) |
If they had landed on the target area, which was ripe for surface analysis, the mission would have begun with extensive surface tests using the ship's robotic arm, followed by a few hours of drilling through the ice | | [JP] もし目標地点に 着陸してたら 表面分析の 絶好機だった 広範なテストが 始まっただろう Europa Report (2013) |
But the human urge to pursue altered states persisted, resulting in widespread flouting of the law in underground saloons called "speakeasies." | | [JP] だが 変性意識状態を追求する人間の衝動は しぶとかった 「もぐり酒場」と呼ばれる秘密のバーが作られ 広範囲に渡って法律を無視する結果になった A Landmark Story (2013) |
On business, yes. I travel extensively, teaching. | | [JP] ああ 仕事だ 教えるために 広範囲に渡って移動してる Russet Potatoes (2009) |
This is going viral in a big way! | | [JP] 広範なウィルスだ! Time's Up (2012) |
The drugs were extensively animal tested. | | [JP] 広範囲な動物実験が行われ Ability (2009) |
We have a major infestation on our hands. | | [JP] かなり広範囲だ Alone in the World (2011) |
Confinement beam. Widest possible spread. | | [JP] 位置特定ビームを できるだけ広範囲に Daedalus (2005) |
It's kind of a large search term. | | [JP] これは広範囲な検索よ Love Hurts (2007) |
Is it even possible to kill that many people at the same time? | | [JP] そんな広範囲で同時と言ってもいい殺人が... 可能ですかねぇ Confrontation (2006) |
What'd he say? | | [JP] 財団の経営において 広範囲にわたった Red Lacquer Nail Polish (2013) |
So they... - were traveling somewhere. | | [JP] 何とか広範囲に調べました Prometheus (2012) |
It was designed to help patients with extensive tissue damage... | | [JP] 広範囲の組織損傷に... Novation (2011) |
Incompatible species, massive mutual rejection. | | [JP] 非互換な種 広範囲に及ぶ相互拒否 Unleashed (2009) |
A brilliant someone, in this case a brilliant someone with extensive medical knowledge and real reason to pay close attention to the sudden death of two of his surgical patients. | | [JP] この場合 広範囲に渡る医学知識と 彼が手術した2人の患者の突然死に 細かく注意を払う 現実的な理由がある とても優秀な人物だ Lesser Evils (2012) |
Well, imagine the agony of having an extensive record collection, and having no means to play it. | | [JP] 聴く意味のない広範囲なレコードを コレクションする苦痛を想像してくれ Inner Child (2009) |
Hoping to avoid widespread panic. | | [JP] 広範囲に渡るパニックを 避ける事を望んで State v. Queen (2013) |
An informant with extensive information on the players we will be dealing with his name is Daniel Hicks. | | [JP] 取引している人間に関する 広範囲な情報をもつ情報提供者 ダニエル・ヒックスだ The Transformation (2009) |
The wide extent of the corruption requires a coordinated approach. | | [JP] 広範囲の腐敗のため、連携行動をする Day 7: 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. (2009) |
We don't want widespread panic. | | [JP] 広範囲にわたるパニックはごめんだ Transcendence (2014) |
If we're late for the ceremony, it will have far-reaching consequences. | | [JP] 式典に遅れれば 影響は広範囲に及びます These Are the Voyages... (2005) |
Large areas of land are under water. | | [JP] その広範囲に渡って、 海面下に沈んだと報告されています 2012 (2009) |
Not extensively, no. | | [JP] 広範囲すぎてそれは不可能です Knight Rider (2008) |
This one has a much wider range. | | [JP] こっちなら広範囲が カバーできるし The Best Offer (2013) |
Τhe damage was... extensive. | | [JP] 損害は広範囲に及んでいます Emperor (2012) |
Sorry -- scanning long-range frequencies is like... | | [JP] あの・・・広範囲に周波数を スキャンするのは 何かに似てるんだけど・・・ Brown Eyed Girls (2014) |
We have a wide range of investigative interests. | | [JP] 我々の調査の関心事は 広範囲に渡っている There Will Be Blood (2013) |
Traffic signals are out across the capital region creating major gridlock in downtown areas. | | [JP] (ラジオの音) 首都圏の一般道では 広範囲にわたり 信号が機能していません 特に都心では 激しい渋滞が続いています Until the Lights Come Back (2005) |
The MRI shows massive internal burns affecting many of the major organs. | | [JP] MRIによれば 多くの臓器に影響する 広範な内部火傷があります I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (2013) |
Depending on the winds, it could poison everything, even as far away as here. | | [JP] 風によっては広範な汚染が On Thin Ice (2013) |
Wow, that sounds like a lot to cover. | | [JP] 広範囲だ Training Day (2010) |
Pervasive. That's why tony came to me. | | [JP] 広範囲だ それでトニーは俺のところへ Day 7: 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (2009) |
His patient logs were so detailed, so comprehensive, first I suspected he must have copied the data directly from the charts. | | [JP] 彼の患者達の記録は とても詳細に 広範囲に渡って書かれていて 最初 僕は カルテから直接データを コピーしたに違いないと思ったほどだ Lesser Evils (2012) |
Of course. We bow to your vast experience in strategic planning. | | [JP] そうだろうな、お前の戦略計画の 広範な経験には頭が下がるよ The Hand of God (2005) |
Massive coronary. | | [JP] 広範囲の心筋梗塞 Two Rivers (2014) |
Considering the extent of the grafting, it's lucky your body didn't reject it. | | [JP] これほどの広範囲で─ 拒絶反応なし Novation (2011) |
The earlier patches are extensively sun bleached, so he's worn it abroad, in Peru. | | [JP] 最近の修理は広範囲にわたって 日で色落ちしている つまり彼は海外 ペルーでかぶっていた The Empty Hearse (2014) |
Peter, you should alert Agent Broyles. Tell him he needs to evacuate an area with a radius much wider than one mile. | | [JP] ブロイルズに警告だ もっと広範囲で避難させろと Brave New World: Part 1 (2012) |
Jamaica Bay and Alley Pond Park are very large areas, but the NYPD is planning on searching them both. | | [JP] ジャマイカベイとアリイポンドパークは とても広範囲だが ニューヨーク市警は 両地域とも捜索するつもりだ Flight Risk (2012) |
And I know today's agenda is rather large but I think that if you'll look at the scheduled meetings, you'll see that they concern issues vital to the fleet. | | [JP] そして、本日の議題はかなり広範です しかし、予定した会議をご覧になれば サジタロン トム・ザレック Colonial Day (2005) |
Which is why our gathering of data is so far-reaching. | | [JP] 我々の収集したデータは とても広範囲だ The Master (2012) |
He had a very comprehensive insurance policy. Quite old. | | [JP] 非常に広範囲な保険証書を持っていましたね Bad Dreams (2009) |