When you find this shtick stealer, this gimmick grabber this pathetic, wannabe fake make sure your safety's off. | | [JP] 君たちがこの泥棒でー 仕掛け強奪者 感傷的成りたがり 偽物をー 見つけないと危険がイッパイだ Twin Streaks (1991) |
Who better to rob than a suddenly cash flush Oliver Queen? | | [JP] オリバー・クイーンに勝る 強奪をする人? Time of Death (2014) |
Their cruiser was stripped of weapons and ammunition. | | [JP] パトカーから武器と弾薬が 強奪された A Stitch in Time (2012) |
To rob? | | [JP] 強奪するには? Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) |
The aliens made off with an undisclosed amount of cash. One bystander was hurt. | | [JP] エイリアンが現金を強奪 野次馬が怪我を District 9 (2009) |
"They rob the victims of their very lives "by stealing their past | | [JP] "過去を盗む事によって 被害者の人生を強奪するのである" Thanks for the Memories (2014) |
Earlier tonight was supposed to be our last score, but because of the Hood guy, we struck out. | | [JP] 今夜 最後の強奪になるはずだった でも フッドのせいで空振りだった Trust But Verify (2013) |
See, right now you're only facing kidnapping, extortion and conspiracy charges but if any thing should happen to Ms. Sherman... | | [JP] 今あんたは 強奪と誘拐罪に問われてる もしシャーマンにする事があるなら Time's Up (2012) |
Caleb robs the armored truck 13 years ago, goes to bury the money by his hunting shack, drops dead of a heart attack. | | [JP] ケイレブは13年前に トラックを強奪して 狩猟小屋の近くに 金を埋めに行き 心臓発作で死んだ Us Against the World (2014) |
Well, we never caught the guy who did that robbery, but there's no evidence that it was Caleb. | | [JP] 強奪犯はまだ 捕まえていないが ケイレブだという証拠は 無いんだ Us Against the World (2014) |
Because no one else in Rio is stupid enough to rob Reyes. | | [JP] このリオで レイエスから 強奪するバカはいません Fast Five (2011) |
Your company introduced a supposedly unbreakable safe in 2009, and then paid the price for your hubris when The Leviathan was plundered within the calendar year. | | [JP] おたくの会社は 2009年に 絶対に破れない金庫だと紹介した そして リヴァイアサンが 翌年 強奪された時 自分たちの傲慢さのつけを 払わされた The Leviathan (2012) |
All over, there's people being pushed down, being robbed. | | [JP] いたる所で強奪されて、抑圧されている人々がいる。 Pilot (2013) |
I'm gonna find him before the weapon he hijacked kills everybody inside the Brick Mansions. | | [JP] 彼が強奪した武器より先に 彼を見つける ブリック・マンションにいる 奴らはみんな殺す Brick Mansions (2014) |
Yeah, them Indians down Texas way... they may rob you, ain't gonna take your topknot. | | [JP] テキサスなら 強奪だけで済む The Revenant (2015) |
I had to grab it in transit. | | [JP] 輸送中に強奪する必要があった Provenance (2014) |
Oh, you know. Robbing an armored car with grenade launchers and tear gas. | | [JP] アア あなたは知ってます 装甲車から強奪した事 Trust But Verify (2013) |
Do you think I would extort $150 million using an account in my own name? | | [JP] 大金強奪に 自分の名を使うか? Non-Stop (2014) |
Go in and get $19.10 from the register. | | [JP] レジから$19. 10強奪して来い 準備はいいか? Brotherhood (2010) |
A task force of FBI agents and New York City detectives are trying to solve the biggest cash robbery in U.S. history. | | [JP] FBI捜査官の特殊部隊は ニューヨーク市の刑事が 解決しようとしています 米国史上最大の現金強奪です Empire State (2013) |
I recovered the Bible and took down a cell of Czech extortionists in Prague. | | [JP] 聖書を回収して 部屋を取り壊した プラハのチェコの強奪者の Provenance (2014) |
The money that leads to extortion, kidnapping, and drugs. | | [JP] そのお金は強奪の手が掛かりだ 誘拐 麻薬 The Undertaking (2013) |
So do we trust her and take the score, or do we walk away and get rid of the evidence? | | [JP] それで 我々は彼女を信じて 強奪を決行する それか我々は逃げて 証拠を処分するか? Honor Among Thieves (2014) |
There are still those in the Seven Kingdoms who call me usurper. | | [JP] まだわしを強奪者と呼ぶ者が セブン王国に居る The Kingsroad (2011) |
Ever since you robbed Vista Corp. | | [JP] ビスタ社強奪 以来な Ant-Man (2015) |
If Tockman wants to make another score... | | [JP] トックマンがもう1つの 強奪を望んでるなら... Time of Death (2014) |
This crap just pulled three million Euro out of a Parisian bank. | | [JP] 300万ユーロ強奪 Now You See Me (2013) |
She's been kidnapped by whoever's making you rob the casino. | | [JP] 君にカジノの金を 強奪させようとしている奴に 彼女は 誘拐されている Pink Champagne on Ice (2012) |
Because they weren't robberies. They were executions. | | [JP] ・・それは強奪じゃなく 処刑だったからだ Phone Booth (2002) |
What the hell were you doing chasing a druggie smash and grabber in midtown? | | [JP] 一体何をやってたの? 中心地で麻薬中毒者を追いかけ 強奪者に発砲? Wingman (2014) |
It is the biggest cash robbery in U.S. history... $8 million taken from an armored-car company office in New York City. | | [JP] それは米国史上最大の現金強奪です - 800万ドル盗まれました ニューヨークの装甲車会社の事務所から Empire State (2013) |
We matched these presents to a b-and-e on thurman about 9:30 last night. | | [JP] 昨夜の9時30分のサーマン氏から 強奪されたプレゼントと 一致している Twelve Days of Krampus (2013) |
You're planning to rob the casino, Jack. | | [JP] 君は カジノから金を強奪するつもりだろ ジャック Pink Champagne on Ice (2012) |
I didn't. They stole him away. | | [JP] - 強奪された Chapter 2 (2013) |
So... are you ready for another score? | | [JP] それで... 別の強奪の準備はできてるの? Honor Among Thieves (2014) |
So Tockman is going to be looking for another score. | | [JP] トックマンはもう1つの 強奪を探していそうだ Time of Death (2014) |
Why, it would ruin your good reputation should the community mistakenly believe that you had taken it by force. | | [CN] 說你是強奪,那豈不是有損名譽? Spiritual Kung Fu (1978) |
Ballistics matched the gun that was recovered at the Transnational robbery to a shipment of guns stolen by Liber8. | | [JP] 強盗の所持してた銃は リバー8が強奪した銃だと 判明した Minute to Win It (2014) |
A team of drivers hijacked a military convoy. | | [JP] 軍の物資が強奪されました Fast Five (2011) |
Score worth 1.6 mil. | | [JP] 1. 6ミルの価値の強奪 Honor Among Thieves (2014) |
He robbed the Applied Sciences Division of Queen Consolidated last week. | | [JP] 彼は応用科学部門から強奪した 先週クイーン統合の Three Ghosts (2013) |
You wrecked the Dragon Palace and snatched a sacred weapon. | | [JP] 龍の宮殿を破壊し、 そして神聖な武器を強奪。 The Monkey King (2014) |
Detective, can you tell us how much was looted From the vault? | | [JP] 刑事さん、金庫からどのくらい 強奪されたんでしょう? Self Made Man (2008) |
For the murder of two police officers, vehicle theft, resisting arrest - everything that happened everywhere in the ends tonight. | | [JP] 警官の殺害 車の強奪 公務執行妨害 今日 起こった事 全部の罪で Attack the Block (2011) |
You wanna help catch the people who forced your son to do a robbery and then killed him? | | [JP] 息子さんに強奪を命じた上...」 「...彼を殺した犯人を捕まえることに ご協力下さい」 The Departed (2006) |
It's footage of this officer and his men robbing and murdering two drug dealers in an alley. | | [JP] アンタとお友達の映像だ ヤクの強奪と売人殺し Cellular (2004) |
You should rob that place where you work. | | [JP] 働いてる所から強奪したらどうだ Empire State (2013) |
That was highway patrol. They said Granger beat a guy up and stole his pickup. | | [JP] "幹線道路警ら隊"からで グランジャーがトラックを強奪し The Bottle Imp (2012) |
But not the robbery. That's not wrong. | | [JP] 「強奪ではなくて、他のことですか」 The Departed (2006) |
During the war, General Yamashita of the Japanese army ordered his troops to loot treasure from all over Southeast Asia. | | [JP] 戦時中 日本軍の将軍 ヤマシタは 東南アジアの 財宝の強奪を命じた Dead Mine (2012) |