OK, don't hurt yourself. Welcome aboard, explorers. | | [JP] よし分かった ようこそ 新たなる探検者よ Finding Nemo (2003) |
I saw myself as an explorer. | | [JP] 自分は探検家のようだと思った These Are the Voyages... (2005) |
I will unleash all my wilderness explorer training! | | [JP] 僕が持ってる荒れ地探検家のトレーニングの成果を見せつけてやる! Up (2009) |
And, may I say, explorers, Mr Lombard? | | [JP] さらに言うなら 探検家は、ロンバードさん? And Then There Were None (1945) |
so, for my family genealogy report, i decided to do it on my great-great-grandfather, who was a famous man, captain archibaid witwicky. | | [JP] とても有名は探検家で、事実、 彼は最初に... 北極圏を探検して... Transformers (2007) |
Climb aboard, explorers. | | [JP] 搭乗しなさい 探検者達よ Finding Nemo (2003) |
- Exploring. | | [JP] ― 探検 Hinokio: Inter Galactic Love (2005) |
When are we going to get back to exploring? | | [JP] - いつ探検に戻れるんですか? Babel One (2005) |
Don't you know this is an exclusive club? | | [JP] ここは特定の人だけが入れるクラブってこと知らないの? ここに入れるのは探検家だけよ! Up (2009) |
Why is it that throughout history... humans have been driven to explore distant uncharted places... despite the possibility of no return? | | [JP] なぜ人類は 歴史を通じ... 遠くの未知の場所の 探検に駆り立てられるのだろう? 二度と戻れぬ 可能性にもかかわらず... Astronaut: The Last Push (2012) |
Let's explore it together. | | [JP] 一緒に探検しようではありませんか Terra Prime (2005) |
I am a wilderness explorer, so I'm a friend to all of nature. | | [JP] 僕は荒地探検隊だよ 自然みんなと友達なんだ Up (2009) |
He know how you feel about space exploration? | | [JP] 彼は君が宇宙探検に どう感じてるか知ってるのかい? Demons (2005) |
Charles Muntz, explorer. | | [JP] チャールズ・マンツ 探検家よ Up (2009) |
If I get it, I'll become a senior wilderness explorer! | | [JP] それがそろえば、僕は上級の荒野探検隊になれるんだ! Up (2009) |
Nemo, all new explorers must answer a science question. | | [JP] ニモ 新入り探検者は 科学の質問に答えなくてはいけない Finding Nemo (2003) |
We need to find out which Klingon ship... explored this world, and whether or not they developed a cure. | | [JP] どのクリンゴン船がここを探検したか見つけ出す必要がる 治療方法を見つけていようが、いまいが関係なく Observer Effect (2005) |
-... expeditionphilologist. | | [JP] 探検隊所属言語学者です Forbidden Planet (1956) |
Oh, Mr. Fredricksen, if we happen to get separated, use the wilderness explorer call. | | [JP] もし万が一離れ離れになってしまったら 荒れ地探検家電話を使うよ Up (2009) |
These are my wilderness explorer badges. | | [JP] これはね僕の探検隊バッジ Up (2009) |
When early explorers first set out west across the Atlantic, most people thought the world was flat. | | [JP] 大西洋を横断した最初の探検家は 世界は平らだと思っていた Another Earth (2011) |
One of us needs to get some exploring done. | | [JP] - どっちかが探検を終わらせないと Divergence (2005) |
Getting tired of exploration, Ensign? | | [JP] 探検に飽きたのかい? Observer Effect (2005) |
Our explorers have spent much time here over the long history of Pantora. | | [JP] ントーラの探検家がここで長時間にいたよ Trespass (2009) |
Then I'll be a senior wilderness explorer! | | [JP] それで僕は上級の荒地探検家になるんだ! Up (2009) |
By receiving these badges, the following explorers will graduate to Senior Explorers. | | [JP] これらのバッジを授与された者は 上級探検家にレベルアップです Up (2009) |
Not my idea of exploring strange new worlds. | | [JP] 「未知の世界の探検」じゃないわ Observer Effect (2005) |
Come on. Let's keep exploring. | | [JP] さぁ、探検の続きよ Welcome to Briarcliff (2012) |
My name is Russell and I am a wilderness explorer in tribe 54, squad lodge 12. | | [JP] 僕の名前はラッセルです 僕は54部の荒地探検隊です 12部隊所属 Up (2009) |
And I am a wilderness explorer in tribe 54. | | [JP] 僕は54部の荒地探検隊です Up (2009) |
Whoever brings it back would hold an eternal place... atop the pantheon of explorers! | | [JP] それを手に入れた人は誰でも 永遠なる場所をも手に入れる... そう 探検家の神の域に達するというのか! Treasure Planet (2002) |
Adelaide, I put on Dora the Explorer for you, so you would sit and watch it. | | [JP] アデレード "ドーラの探検" があったでしょう それを座って見てなさい Pilot (2011) |
An explorer is a friend to all, be it a plant, a fish or a tiny mole. | | [JP] 探検隊はみんなの友人なんだよ! 地球上にいるなんでも 魚やモグラもね Up (2009) |
For spelunking. | | [JP] 洞窟探検に Batman Begins (2005) |
so let's give a big explorer call to our brand new Senior Wilderness Explorers! | | [JP] それでは大きい声で探検家を称えましょう 新しい上級の荒地探検家たちです! Up (2009) |
So the guide book says that the route's through here. | | [JP] ガイドブックによれば ここが探検ルートとされてる 127 Hours (2010) |
It was a singe. I used my wilderness explorer GPS. | | [JP] 荒れ地探検隊のGPSを使ったんだ Up (2009) |
"Arctic Expedition." | | [JP] 〝北極探検隊〟か Creepshow (1982) |
But he promised he'd come to my Explorers Ceremony to pin on my "Assisting the elderly badge". | | [JP] でもパパは僕の探検家式典に来るって約束してくれたんだ 「高齢者のお手伝いバッジ」を着けるために Up (2009) |
Wait, aren't you super wilderness guy with the GPS and the badges? | | [JP] 待て待て お前さんは荒地探検隊だろう? GPSとバッジがあるじゃないか? Up (2009) |
"Historians called him... "the greatest explorer of the 22nd century. | | [JP] 歴史家は、彼を22世紀で最も偉大な探検家と呼ぶ In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II (2005) |
Spelunking? | | [JP] 洞窟探検? Batman Begins (2005) |
The wilderness must be explored! | | [JP] 荒地は探検されなくちゃならない! Up (2009) |
And so, the explorer's off to clear his name. | | [JP] 探検家は汚名を晴らすべく出発した Up (2009) |
The beloved explorer lands his dirigible, "The Spirit of Adventure", into Hampshire, this week, completing a year long expedition to the lost world. | | [JP] 最愛の探検家は、飛行船、アドベンチャー号で ハンプシャーの中に、今週、 失われた世界での1年にわたる遠征を完了します Up (2009) |
We are all explorers, driven to know what's over the horizon, what's beyond our own shores. | | [JP] 我々探検家は皆、地平線の 向こうに何があるのか 海の向こうには何があるのかを 知りたがりました Terra Prime (2005) |
You could guide an expedition. | | [JP] 探検隊の案内をしろ Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) |
Some psychological abysses! | | [JP] どうせ探検費も出るまいから Stalker (1979) |
Now, I'm the direct descendent of the mountain man J im Bridger. | | [JP] 俺はジム・ブリッジャー(西部開拓時代の探検者)の 直系の子孫だ。 Inglourious Basterds (2009) |