When you went rogue and declared war on Percy, you didn't just pick up a 12-gauge from Big 5. | | [JP] あんたが使用してた銃は... 12ゲージの散弾銃の他に... Sideswipe (2012) |
Shotgun, submachine guns. | | [JP] 散弾銃にマシンガンだ Mission Creep (2011) |
And a shotgun blast happened. | | [JP] 散弾銃で Night Finds You (2015) |
That is not your daddy's shotgun, Cowboy. | | [JP] パパの散弾銃とは違うぞ Full Metal Jacket (1987) |
Dad emptied the mossberg into that thing. | | [JP] パパは散弾銃を撃ち尽くして Alpine Fields (2008) |
That guy stuck a shotgun in my face. | | [JP] あいつは散弾銃を 顔に向けた Trial by Fire (2015) |
I mean, Melissa's shotgun, spatulas, doorknobs. | | [JP] メリッサの散弾銃 ヘラ ドアノブも 舐めて 30 Years of Science Down the Tubes (2016) |
Well, you tell that sumbitch, he thinks he's gonna come over here and get my recippes... well, I got a double-barreled answer to his query right inside. | | [JP] くそ野朗に言ってくれ ここに来て俺様の レシピーを盗む気か... 何か質問があるなら 散弾銃でお答えするぜ Planet Terror (2007) |
Pelvic wounds are from a 12-gauge at point-blank range. | | [JP] 直射の12番の散弾銃で 骨盤が撃たれた Night Finds You (2015) |
You ever fired a Remington 870P shotgun? | | [JP] これまでに レミントン870P散弾銃を撃ったことは? M.I.A. (2015) |
Unsatisfied with that result, the subject then blew off half his face using this shotgun. | | [JP] 散弾銃で顔半分を吹き飛ばした Small Apartments (2012) |
Give me some shotgun shells. | | [JP] 散弾銃用の弾丸をくれ。 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) |
Is how to coap with defeat. The other is how to handle a shotgun. | | [JP] どのように、敗北に協力するかで、 もうひとつは散弾銃を扱う方法だ。 The Simpsons Movie (2007) |
Both you and the victim were hit with shotgun pellets. | | [JP] あなたと被害者は2人とも 散弾銃で撃たれてます Blood Feud (2012) |
Crazy old guy with a shotgun. | | [JP] 散弾銃のジジイだ The Watch (2012) |
I got a buckshot, you hear? | | [JP] 散弾銃あるぞ きいてるか? おい あんた The Hills Have Eyes (2006) |
under the counter, a shotgun next to the register, and I can get to them both before you. | | [JP] カウンターの45口径と レジ横の散弾銃を あんたより先に使える Mission Creep (2011) |
It's not an easy thing, that. To put a sawn-off to someone's chest and pull the trigger. | | [JP] 散弾銃を人の胸に向けて 引き鉄を引くなんて Episode #3.3 (2013) |
Like you reaching for that scattergun. | | [JP] その散弾銃を取る気ね Relevance (2013) |
But in shotguns, they're called shells. | | [JP] 散弾銃だから薬包と言う The Perfect Guy (2015) |
It's a boomstick. | | [JP] 散弾銃だ Warcraft (2016) |
How'd you learn to use a shotgun like that? | | [JP] 散弾銃の使い方はどこで? Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015) |
That's why I like shotguns. | | [JP] だから散弾銃を好きなんだ と言うより散弾銃の専門家だ Ride Along (2014) |
After that, he kept a shotgun in his house. | | [JP] そして男は散弾銃を持ってた The Perfect Guy (2015) |
If that's you, Jupiter I got some buckshot for you, you hear me? | | [JP] もし居るんなら ジュピター 散弾銃あるんだぞ 聞いてんのか? The Hills Have Eyes (2006) |
That's the weapons shed where they keep all their boomsticks and the boom powder. | | [JP] 武器庫だ。 中にあるのは 鳥撃ちの散弾銃と 火薬だな。 Free Birds (2013) |
There was a standoff, and, um, the woman's boyfriend wanted to kill the little boy with a shotgun. | | [JP] 立てこもっていた 彼はしようとした... 少年を散弾銃で殺そうと Arrhythmia (2013) |
Found three shotgun shells over there. | | [JP] あっちに散弾銃の薬莢が3つ ありました Blood Feud (2012) |
Two shotguns. They're probably Benellis. | | [JP] 2つの散弾銃 おそらくベネッリ Ride Along (2014) |
Shooter walks up during the affray, puts the sawn-off to Butler's chest. | | [JP] 犯人は 乱闘の最中に現れ 銃身の短い散弾銃で バトラーの胸を撃った Episode #3.3 (2013) |