Mr. Suarez said that you intended to stage the scene as a botched robbery, but after she went off the balcony, you had no choice but to flee. | | [JP] スアレス氏によると 君は 現場を出来そこないの強盗に 見せかけるつもりだったが 彼女がバルコニーから落ちてしまった後では 逃げるしか手が無かった Blood Is Thicker (2013) |
You were gonna make it look like she hung herself. Cute. | | [JP] 彼女を首つり自殺に 見せかけるつもりか M.I.A. (2015) |
They plan to march us out in the jungle and kill us, and make it look as if we were trying to escape. | | [JP] 奴等は俺たちをジャングルの中へ 追い立ててから殺す計画を立てていて、 しかも俺たちが脱走を試みたように 見せかけるらしい Rescue Dawn (2006) |
This has to look like an accident. | | [JP] -了解 事故に見せかける事が必要 Devil in a Blue Dress (2011) |
No, it's a magical sheath that simulates a dazzling head of hair. | | [JP] 髪があるように見せかける 新製品だよ The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989) |
If we dig up a cold case that the town cares about and use it as a pretense to investigate the address, that shouldn't ring too many alarm bells. | | [JP] 未解決事件の 調査のためで - "住所を調べてる" と 見せかける 警報ベルは 鳴らすな Sent on Tour (2015) |
You dye your meth with food colouring to make it look like mine. | | [JP] 私のブツに見せかけるために Say My Name (2012) |
How much did they pay you to be their inside man? | | [JP] 内部の部下に見せかけるために、 あなたにどれくらい支払ましたか Critical (2012) |
For as long as is reasonably possible. | | [JP] 引き渡すように見せかけるんだ Day 7: 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. (2009) |
- Make ten men feel like a hundred. | | [JP] - 10人を100人に見せかける Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) |
Window dressing refers to the manipulation by a company of its financial statements to improve the appearance of its performance or liquidity. | | [JP] 粉飾とは 会社が嘘の決算書を作り あたかも利益があるように 見せかけることである Episode #1.1 (2013) |
All right, we need to make it look like I was ambushed before you kill her. | | [JP] 撃ち合いで死んだように見せかける Surf N Turf (2016) |
I mean, why would he go to such lengths to make it look like Red John was the killer? | | [JP] レッド・ジョンが犯人だと 見せかけるために どうして 彼はこんなに 手間をかけたのかしら? Red is the New Black (2012) |
You wanna pull off a brilliant murder, you gotta act like it's an accident. | | [JP] 初犯の奴が多いが 賢い選択は 事故に見せかける事だ Horrible Bosses (2011) |
Granger killed himself in shame. | | [JP] 自殺したように見せかける The Hound of the Cancer Cells (2014) |
I submit that these dots exist to make it look like business is being conducted in here. | | [JP] この赤い点は ここでビジネスが 行われていると見せかけるために Internal Audit (2013) |
She set it up to appear that you killed yourself in guilt over strangling Alicia. | | [JP] アリシア殺しで 自殺に見せかけるためよ The Politics of Time (2012) |
So I'm to defect? | | [JP] 僕も 離反に 見せかけるんですか? The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965) |
Randy and Tanya were screwing around. | | [JP] ー 別に殺さなくてもいい... ー 偶然の事故に見せかける? Insomnia (2002) |
They-- they smother you with pillows and make it look like an accident. | | [JP] 枕で窒息させて 事故死に見せかける The Lie (2009) |
It wouldn't be hard for someone working at a pharmaceutical company to make murder look like natural causes. | | [JP] 製薬会社に勤めていれば 自然死に見せかけるのは 難しくない The Fix (2011) |
Making suicides look like accidents or murders. | | [JP] 自殺を、事故や殺人に 見せかける手口だ Dark Places (2015) |
Can someone tell me why a legitimate business needs to hide some of its prettiest things? | | [JP] これで分かると思うけど 合法ビジネスだと 見せかけるには 最高でしょ? Minute to Win It (2014) |
We're going to knock out steve's cable, and we need to send in a repairman. | | [JP] スティーブの家のCATVを故障に見せかける 修理人の役が必要なんだ The Italian Job (2003) |
To adorn only what can be seen and hide the true nature, to pretend to be something else. | | [JP] 目に見える部分だけを飾って 本質を隠し (南上)うん 別のものに見せかけることです Shitagittenani? (2015) |
I have to keep Gellar alive. | | [JP] 生きてるよう 見せかけるんだ Ricochet Rabbit (2011) |
Bishop, remember, it has to look like an accident. | | [JP] ビショップ 思い出せ 事故のように見せかけるんだ Mechanic: Resurrection (2016) |
He told us everybody else had died, that he should've died, and that it would be better if that's what everybody thought! | | [JP] みんな死んだから、自分も死んだって 見せかけるほうがいいって Desert Cantos (2009) |
It's seeing somebody else do the time. That's his MO. | | [JP] 他人に見せかける それが手口か The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) |
Torturing Doug so he could confess and then making his death look like a suicide? | | [JP] 彼が白状できるように ダグを尋問して 次に彼の死を 自殺のように見せかける? Most Likely to... (2014) |
Robert, do you think it's possible that love can be faked? | | [JP] 愛は見せかけることが できると思うか? The Best Offer (2013) |
It will look like an accident. | | [JP] 単なる事故に 見せかける Self/less (2015) |
All they need to do is fake an escape to get you here. | | [JP] 彼らが必要なのは、ここに到着させるように 偽の脱獄を見せかけることだけです Shutter Island (2010) |