aristolochia | (n) birthworts; Dutchman's-pipe, Syn. genus Aristolochia |
aristolochiaceae | (n) family of birthworts (including wild ginger), Syn. birthwort family, family Aristolochiaceae |
aristolochiales | (n) order of plants distinguished by tubular petaloid perianth and inferior ovary, Syn. order Aristolochiales |
birthwort | (n) creeping plant having curving flowers thought to resemble fetuses; native to Europe; naturalized Great Britain and eastern North America, Syn. Aristolochia clematitis |
dutchman's-pipe | (n) hardy deciduous vine having large leaves and flowers with the calyx tube curved like the bowl of a pipe, Syn. pipe vine, Aristolochia durior, Aristolochia macrophylla |
virginia snakeroot | (n) birthwort of the eastern United States woodlands, Syn. Aristolochia serpentaria, Virginia serpentaria, Virginia serpentary |