carry weight | His opinions carry weight. |
carry weight | (v) have influence to a specified degree |
名正言顺 | [名 正 言 顺 / 名 正 言 順] right and proper; authoritative and fair; (modified from Confucian Analects) with the right title (or reputation), the words carry weight #30,098 [Add to Longdo] |
Eindruck { m } | Eindrücke { pl } | den Eindruck machen | Eindruck machen | impression | impressions | to give the impression | to carry weight [Add to Longdo] |
Gewicht { n }; Bedeutung { f } | großes Gewicht auf etw. legen | ins Gewicht fallen | nicht ins Gewicht fallen | weight | to attach great importance to sth. | to carry weight | to carry no weight; to be of no consequence [Add to Longdo] |