emge |
Atemgerät { n } | respirator [Add to Longdo] |
Systemgenerierung { f } | system generation [Add to Longdo] |
demgegenüber | compared with this; on the other hand [Add to Longdo] |
demnach; demgemäß | according to that [Add to Longdo] |
demgemäß; entsprechend | corresponding [Add to Longdo] |
demgemäß; dementsprechend; entsprechend; danach { adv } | accordingly [Add to Longdo] |
demgemäß; dementsprechend { adv } | correspondingly [Add to Longdo] |
systemgebunden; systemorientiert { adj } | system-oriented [Add to Longdo] |
systemgerecht { adj } | systemgerechtes Signal | system-compatible | system-compatible signal [Add to Longdo] |