ザック | [zakku] (n) (See リュックサック) rucksack (ger #17,110 [Add to Longdo] |
アンザック | [anzakku] (n) Anzac (from Australian and New Zealand Army Corps during WWI) [Add to Longdo] |
アンザックデー | [anzakkude-] (n) Anzac Day [Add to Longdo] |
アンザックビスケット | [anzakkubisuketto] (n) Anzac biscuit (type of oatmeal biscuit) [Add to Longdo] |
サブザック | [sabuzakku] (n) (See サブリュック) small knacksack (wasei [Add to Longdo] |
シュラフザック;シュラーフザック | [shurafuzakku ; shura-fuzakku] (n) sleeping bag (ger [Add to Longdo] |
ナップザック(P);ナップサック | [nappuzakku (P); nappusakku] (n) knapsack (ger [Add to Longdo] |
Being seen off by my whole family I shouldered a rucksack, stocked with my trip supplies. | 俺は家族全員に見送られながら、旅支度を整えたザックを担ぐ。 [ M ] |
ザック | [zakku] (n) (See リュックサック) rucksack (ger #17,110 [Add to Longdo] |
アンザック | [anzakku] (n) Anzac (from Australian and New Zealand Army Corps during WWI) [Add to Longdo] |
アンザックデー | [anzakkude-] (n) Anzac Day [Add to Longdo] |
アンザックビスケット | [anzakkubisuketto] (n) Anzac biscuit (type of oatmeal biscuit) [Add to Longdo] |
サブザック | [sabuzakku] (n) (See サブリュック) small knacksack (wasei [Add to Longdo] |
シュラフザック;シュラーフザック | [shurafuzakku ; shura-fuzakku] (n) sleeping bag (ger [Add to Longdo] |
ナップザック(P);ナップサック | [nappuzakku (P); nappusakku] (n) knapsack (ger [Add to Longdo] |
Being seen off by my whole family I shouldered a rucksack, stocked with my trip supplies. | 俺は家族全員に見送られながら、旅支度を整えたザックを担ぐ。 [ M ] |