Physics by Aristotle is as far away from You Can Learn Telepathy by Morton Zuckerman as possible. | | [JP] アリストテレス著の「物理学」は モルト・ザッカーマン著の 「あなたもテレパシーを学べる」と 出来る限り離れて置いたわ Snow Angels (2013) |
Not with his mouth, but he said it, I'm assuming, telepathically. | | [JP] 喋ったんじゃない あれはテレパシーね Bridesmaids (2011) |
Perhaps some form of thought transference. | | [JP] 何らかのテレパシーだろう A Better Human Being (2012) |
But that gives credence to my theory that Sean is communicating with the killers via mental telepathy. | | [JP] それなら2人が テレパシーで通じるのも納得 A Better Human Being (2012) |
If Sean and his half-brothers are linked in a telepathic network, then it is possible they have formed a collective identity. | | [JP] ショーンと義兄弟が テレパシーで繋がってるなら 集団的な自己を 作ってるのかもしれん A Better Human Being (2012) |
Laying on hands, magic, hypnosis, it all exists. Telepathy, the lot. | | [JP] 魔術も催眠術も現実よ テレパシーもね The 4th Man (1983) |
What I am is telepathic. I can hear people's thoughts. | | [JP] 私には人の心を読む テレパシー能力があるの The First Taste (2008) |
Dead! That's real telepathy for you. | | [JP] 死んだ これはテレパシーだわ The 4th Man (1983) |
I'm sorry, a telepath. | | [JP] - すまない テレパシー能力者だ X-Men: First Class (2011) |
Via telepathy? Via his parents. | | [JP] テレパシーでか? Child Predator (2012) |
Man is a frail vessel. It's not telepathy, though. | | [JP] 男は脆いもんさ でもテレパシーなんて The 4th Man (1983) |
Restoration of damaged tissue through telepathic manipulation of intrinsic field memory. | | [JP] フィールドメモリの テレパシー操作で Paul (2011) |