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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
跪く[ひざまずく(P);ひざまづく, hizamazuku (P); hizamaduku] (v5k, vi) (uk) to kneel; (P) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Kneel before me.[JP] 跪くのだ The Avengers (2012)
Down on the ground now.[JP] 地面に跪くんだ. 今すぐ! Vick's Chip (2008)
But the the idea of kneeling it's...[JP] しかし... 跪くことは... 貴方の兵士による屠殺が私の足に 痙攣を起こしている 300 (2006)
Kings did not kneel to Achilles.[JP] 王達が跪くのは アキレスにではない Troy (2004)
Gonna hold Hold my breath[JP] ♪昔のように (私たちのやり方で) ♪皆で跪くんだ (跪いて祈ろう) The Blues Brothers (1980)
And I tell you now, I will not bow to this Ranger from the North last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship.[JP] 誰が北部の野伏などに跪くか... ずっと空位のまま 衰えた王家の末裔など The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Slaughtering of all those men of yours has left a nasty cramp in my legs. So kneeling will be hard for me.[JP] 跪く事は難しい 300 (2006)
Get down, get down! Get on your knees![JP] 早く跪け、跪くんだ! Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Your Athenian rivals will kneel at your feet.[JP] アテネの対抗者は貴方に跪く 300 (2006)
I require only that you kneel.[JP] 私はただ跪く事を要求する 300 (2006)
But here you are, a traitor, kneeling before the King-beyond-the-Wall.[JP] ところがお前はこの通り 〈壁向こうの王〉に跪く裏切り者だ Valar Dohaeris (2013)
If you will but kneel at mine.[JP] 貴方は跪くだけでよい 300 (2006)


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