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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
愉悦[yú yuè, ㄩˊ ㄩㄝˋ,   /  ] joyful; cheerful; delighted #10,268 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
愉悦[ゆえつ, yuetsu] (n, vs) joy [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Girl, you're such a joy going through my heart, baby[CN] 女孩啊 你使我感到内心充满愉悦 Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo (1984)
Milking the cows, lying in the clover, and letting the joy of God's nature flow into my heart.[CN] 挤奶,躺在苜蓿上 而且享受上帝本性带给我的愉悦 Elmer Gantry (1960)
Well, afterthat, I think I'll go and take a look at somejolly.[CN] 我要去读一些愉悦的东西 Separate Tables (1958)
Our bodies ignite the desire for sex, and once the craving is there, it's the first step towards the joys that intimacy can bring.[CN] 我们的身体点燃性的需求 一旦需求产生 那就是通往性爱所带来愉悦的第一步 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
She played badly, but to see her was a delight, with her black hair, those eyes, that skin, that bosom.[CN] 看到她让人心情愉悦 黑色的长发"漂亮的眼睛 光滑的皮肤"丰满的胸部 The Leopard (1963)
You have given me an evening of rare pleasure, Mrs. Webber... and I shall treasure its memory.[CN] 您给了我一个无比愉悦的夜晚,Webber太太, 而我将珍惜这段回忆。 The Whales of August (1987)
And a store always smells good.[CN] 商店里的味道总是让人心情愉悦 Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009)
A faint smile betrayed the pleasure he took in this exercise[CN] 一丝若有若无的微笑 透露出他内心的愉悦 Le Silence de la Mer (1949)
Fresh water makes one feel sensual pleasure when ones drinks it[CN] 因为喝清水使人感官愉悦 Augustine of Hippo (1972)
Well, here I am, early, bright and sober.[CN] 我来也 早到,愉悦,清醒 The Tarnished Angels (1957)
I prefer thinking of love simply as pleasure.[CN] 我宁愿把爱当成是一种单纯的愉悦 Emmanuelle (1974)
I was in pain but had to act out joy about finding the clay.[CN] 我觉得很痛, 但是我还得为找到粘土 而要表现出愉悦的表情 The Sacrifice (1986)
Churchill went north to Bradford in sprightly spirits.[CN] 丘吉尔精神愉悦地 向北前往布拉德福德 Home Fires: Britain - 1940-1944 (1974)
He has always said that love was the search of pleasure, always further.[CN] 他总是跟我说, 爱就是寻求愉悦 Emmanuelle (1974)
Please me. Please me...[CN] 愉悦, 愉悦 Emmanuelle (1974)
Joy.[CN] 愉悦 What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)
We were enjoying each other. What's wrong?[CN] 我们之前彼此愉悦 怎么了? I Love You (1981)
No, stay. My lord, would you deprive him of his final pleasure?[CN] 皇上,忘了最后的愉悦 Quo Vadis (1951)
Tasteful and pleasant surroundings.[CN] 让这个环境变得让人愉悦 The Servant (1963)
I just put this on for sentiment.[CN] 为了我心情的愉悦 我戴上了这个. Ninotchka (1939)
I DON'T KNOW WHY, BUT IT'S GETTING TO ME.[CN] 不知原因的愉悦 Bird People (2014)
For everlasting pleasure.[CN] 我们要享受更持久的肉体愉悦 The Canterbury Tales (1972)
Look at him. Please him, torture him.[CN] 看着他 愉悦他 折磨他 The Case of the Bloody Iris (1972)
It'll pleasure you nothin' but the eye.[CN] 只会愉悦你的眼睛而已. The Shooting (1966)
(Woman) By relaxing, enjoying yourself, and using those signals skilfully, you can establish whether there's a connection with a potential mate, and, if there is, who knows where it could lead?[CN] 通过放松、愉悦以及有技巧地释放那些信号 你可以与潜在的伴侣建立起关系 一旦关系确立 谁知道接下来会发生什么呢 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
I feel joy.[CN] 我感到愉悦 { \3cH202020 }I feel joy. Brother's Keeper (2006)
It's a cult of sensual pleasures?[CN] 那是一种肉体愉悦的仪式 Emmanuelle (1974)
I am certain that the answer lies in physical love.[CN] 我确定我们必须经由肉体的愉悦去发掘它 Emmanuelle (1974)
That was a real kick and good for laughs and lashing of the old ultra-violent.[CN] 这才是真正刺激的... 超暴力的愉悦与冲击 A Clockwork Orange (1971)
I can't pretend that it was a great sacrifice... but it did give me a great deal of pleasure.[CN] 我不能假装说我牺牲很大... ...但确实让我感到很愉悦 The Palm Beach Story (1942)
Humans found sin to be wonderful and delightful.[CN] 人类发现罪孽是美妙和愉悦 Justine & Juliette (1975)
"...the pleasure of setting out with companions...[CN] 与人结伴同行的愉悦 Gaslight (1944)
The other one was more pleasant.[CN] 以前的那个更让人感觉愉悦 The Double Life of Véronique (1991)
It is the voice ofjoy[CN] 它是愉悦的声音 Babette's Feast (1987)
This landscape, this cheerful country landscape, will remind you of something.[CN] 这片风景 让人愉悦的乡村风景 会让你想起什么 Case for a Rookie Hangman (1970)
Madam, this is a great honor, a rare experience, and a pulsating pleasure.[CN] 夫人,这是我莫大的荣幸 千载难逢的经历 令人心潮澎湃的愉悦 Pocketful of Miracles (1961)
With either a man or a woman.[CN] 然后要得到更多的愉悦, 跟一个我们想要的男人或女人 Emmanuelle (1974)
Of course, I realize that you must occasionally miss some of the little gaieties of life... the balls and cocktail parties, and things that a few other lucky young people can enjoy.[CN] 当然 我意识到你肯定偶尔想念生活中的一些愉悦小事 舞会,鸡尾酒排队还有别的一小部分 幸运的年轻人可以享受的事情 Separate Tables (1958)
And then there are the intellectual pleasures[CN] 这些能够带来智力上的愉悦 Les Biches (1968)
And I do.[CN] 我确实爱我 每次照镜子我都特愉悦 { \3cH202020 }And I do. 5/1 (2012)
You merely feel you must put yourself in a romantic mood... to add to your exhilaration.[CN] 你要让自己感觉到你必须 让自己处于一种浪漫心情 以便增添你的愉悦 Ninotchka (1939)
To combine theatre and crime and to teach the pleasure of vice to the audience[CN] 将剧场和犯罪联合 教给观众堕落带来的愉悦 Akutoku no sakae (1988)
"The snug comfort of the close carriage...[CN] 每晚带来愉悦 搭乘火车的舒适感受 Gaslight (1944)
I'm fearful of my joy[CN] 我害怕我的愉悦 Babette's Feast (1987)
Well, I've never seen anyone more real, happy, alive and free than these men are.[CN] 但我从没看见这么率真的人 他们这么 自由,这么愉悦 Face to Face (1967)
It's Christmas Eve. God's pure snow drifting' down, and joy in the air.[CN] 圣诞节前夕.上帝降下了纯净的雪.空中充满愉悦 Elmer Gantry (1960)
You've been denying yourself, monsieur... one of the basic pleasures in life.[CN] 那么先生,你的生活... ...就少了一件令人很愉悦的事情了 The Palm Beach Story (1942)
My heart should be wildly rejoicing[CN] 我的心该狂欢愉悦 The Sound of Music (1965)
Since no fiddle to him ever again Would give pleasure, [CN] 再没有任何小提琴可以让他 感到演奏的愉悦 Chicken with Plums (2011)
Always the same exercise, always the same pleasure[CN] 总是相同的举动 总是相同的愉悦 Le Silence de la Mer (1949)


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