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禁酒令[jìn jiǔ lìng, ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄐㄧㄡˇ ㄌㄧㄥˋ,   ] prohibition; ban on alcohol [Add to Longdo]

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Bugs Moran and Al Capone top the list of public enemies.[CN] "疯狂莫兰"和阿尔·卡彭是我们的头号公敌 (前者是禁酒令时期芝加哥的黑帮 后者是意大利裔美国黑帮) J. Edgar (2011)
Liquor was illegal.[CN] 这里有禁酒令 Seabiscuit (2003)
There is no time, Andrei. You gave up your very own "dry law."[CN] 安德列,你不是已下了禁酒令了吗 Ukroshcheniye ognya (1972)
As it happens, I do. It's from prohibition.[CN] 我碰巧知道 禁酒令时候的事情了 The Undertaking (2013)
Repeal? You mean of Prohibition?[CN] 废除法令 你是指禁酒令 Part Three (2011)
This is what it must have felt like to go to a speakeasy during Prohibition[CN] 这感觉就像在禁酒令时去地下酒吧喝酒一样 Smoke (1995)
Times change. Prohibition won't last much longer.[CN] 时代变了 禁酒令不会继续下去 Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
No period in Chicago's history was more violent... than the years of Prohibition.[CN] 禁酒令时期的芝加哥 充满暴力... Call Northside 777 (1948)
I've been reading these old news stories on the Mob, back to Prohibition.[CN] 我一直在看这些团伙的旧新闻 禁酒令时期的 T-Men (1947)
In 1920, they passed the Prohibition Act making the sale of alcohol illegal.[CN] 1920年禁酒令法案(1920 -1933)通过 贩卖酒精成了违法行为 Lawless (2012)
To a new era of collaboration in the face of prohibition.[JP] 協力する新時代に向けて 禁酒令に見舞われようとも Le Grand Guignol (2014)
You are not the first to break my liquor law[CN] 你不是第一个违背我禁酒令的人 The Lost Bladesman (2011)
Back during Prohibition, the police department got tough when a cop got killed.[CN] 禁酒令时期, 警察被杀警局就会变得强硬 Call Northside 777 (1948)
And with prohibition, we can't have no problems.[CN] 在现在禁酒令实施的情况下 我们也不会找麻烦 The Immigrant (2013)
They ain't gonna end Prohibition in a God-fearing country.[CN] 你知道吗 这可能是禁酒令结束后 You know, this could be the biggest casino in the United States 整个美国最大的赌场 when they end Prohibition? Live by Night (2016)
You know, I can never fully support that woman in light of the... prohibition they have going on around this place, but...[CN] 我不喜欢总统 因为她这里有禁酒令... 但... The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)
Prohibition's in effect over there.[CN] 禁酒令只在那裡有效。 Siberiade (1979)
A shame we can't all enjoy these libations in my new Blue Parrot Lounge, but... until someone with some sense repeals that nasty[CN] 很遺憾不能讓所有人都在我新開的 藍鸚鵡酒吧里享用這些祭酒 但是... 在有人能夠明智的撤銷那討厭的禁酒令 Flicker (2015)
The morals were looser and the ban... on alcohol had backfired... making the liquor cheaper.[CN] 道德淪喪,禁酒令... 完全適得其反 使得私酒削價競爭 The Great Gatsby (2013)
They say they're going to repeal prohibition.[CN] 听说禁酒令将取消 The Untouchables (1987)
And I'll tell you exactly how I feel about prohibition.[CN] 我来告诉你们我对禁酒令的看法 The Untouchables (1987)
- Come with me. Beckworth was a bootlegger during prohibition, [CN] Beckworth是禁酒令实施期间的酒贩子 Red Scare (2009)
- They repealed Prohibition?[CN] -政府废除禁酒令 Some Like It Hot (1959)
Well, if prohibition were still in effect, you might actually have a basis of a criminal complaint.[CN] 如果禁酒令还在执行 你应该有足够的证据来提起刑事诉讼 Unfinished Business (2013)
Damn Prohibition.[CN] 该死的禁酒令 Water for Elephants (2011)
You're under arrest for violations of the Volstead Act.[CN] 你们因违反禁酒令被捕了 The Untouchables (1987)
- There is. Prohibition.[CN] 有.禁酒令.不过不是禁止喝酒而是禁止贵酒 Elmer Gantry (1960)
-What do you think about prohibition?[CN] 你对禁酒令有何看法? The Untouchables (1987)
- That's against selling', not drinkin'. Amen.[CN] 有.禁酒令.不过不是禁止喝酒而是禁止贵酒 Elmer Gantry (1960)
I tell you, if that church mouse is in here, Prohibition really has ended.[CN] 跟你说 要是那个穷鬼都来了 禁酒令是真到头了 Part Three (2011)
Grazzi built this place in prohibition days, not even the bellhops know it's here.[CN] 格拉兹在禁酒令时期建的这地方 甚至酒店服务员也不知道这里 The Big Combo (1955)
Prohibition.[CN] 禁酒令. Man of Iron (1981)
Put it away like they were fixing to bring back Prohibition.[CN] 好像明天就要颁布禁酒令了一样 Five-O (2015)
Ben, I swear to sweet Jesus Christ, if you don't do this' I'm gonna bring back Prohibition.[CN] 我需要你的帮忙 Ben 我对天发誓 如果你敢説不 我就重新颁布禁酒令 New Hampshire (2014)
- How long did Prohibition last?[CN] - 禁酒令持续了多久 Derailed (2005)
What happened to Prohibition?[CN] 不怕禁酒令吗? Last Man Standing (1996)
Why bother now that prohibition is almost over?[CN] 禁酒令都要结束了 何必自找麻烦? Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
In December 1933, Prohibition finished.[CN] 1933年十二月禁酒令终止 Lawless (2012)


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