ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: seis, -seis- |
มีผลลัพธ์ที่ไม่แสดงผลอยู่ seism | (n) แผ่นดินไหว, Syn. earthquake | seism- | (prf) เกี่ยวกับแผ่นดินไหว | seismic | (adj) เกี่ยวกับแผ่นดินไหว, See also: ซึ่งเกิดจากแผ่นดินไหว, ซึ่งเกิดจากการเคลื่อนตัวของเปลือกโลก, Syn. cataclysmic, volcanic | seismic | (adj) ใหญ่โต (คำไม่เป็นทางการ), See also: มหึมา, มโหฬาร, มาก, ยิ่งใหญ่, Syn. earthshaking, world-shaking | seismogram | (n) การบันทึกของเครื่อง seismograph, See also: การบันทึกการเกิดแผ่นดินไหว, บันทึกจากเครื่องวัดแรงสั่นสะเทือนของแผ่นดินไหว | seismology | (n) การศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแผ่นดินไหวและปรากฏการณ์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง | seismograph | (n) เครื่องมือตรวจจับ วัด และบันทึกวัดแรงสั่นสะเทือนแผ่นดินไหว | seismography | (n) การวัดและบันทึกความสั่นสะเทือนที่เกิดแผ่นดินไหว | seismographer | (n) เครื่องมือตรวจจับ วัด และบันทึกวัดแรงสั่นสะเทือนแผ่นดินไหว | seismographic | (adj) เกี่ยวกับแผ่นดินไหวและปรากฏการณ์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง | seismological | (adj) เกี่ยวกับแผ่นดินไหวและปรากฏการณ์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง | seismographical | (adj) เกี่ยวกับแผ่นดินไหวและปรากฏการณ์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง |
| disseise | (ดีซีซ') vt. ยึดครองที่, ครอบครองที่, ไล่ออก., See also: disseisor n. ดูdisseise | disseisee | (ดิสซิซี') n. บุคคลที่ถูกยึดที่. -Syn. disseizee | disseisin | (ดิสซี'ซิน) n. การขับไล่ออกจากที่ | seism | (ไซ'ซึม, -ซัม) n. แผ่นดินไหว | seismal | (ไซซ'เมิล) adj. =seismic (ดู) | seismic | (ไซซ'มิค) adj. เกี่ยวกับหรือเกิดจากแผ่นดินไหว, See also: seismically adv., Syn. seismal, seismical | seismogram | (ไซซ'มะแกรม) n. บันทึกของ seismograph | seismograph | (ไซซ'มะกราฟ) n. เครื่องมือวัดและบันทึกความสั่นสะเทือนที่เกิด จากแผ่นดินไหว., See also: seismographic adj. seismographical adj. | seismography | (ไซซมอก'กระฟี) n. การวัดและบันทึกความสั่นสะเทือนที่เกิดจากแผ่นดินไหว, =seismology (ดู), See also: seismographer n. | seismology | (ไซซมอล'โลจี) n. แผ่นดินไหววิทยา, See also: seismological adj. seismologist n. | seisure | (ซี'เซอะ) n. =seizure (ดู) |
| | Seismic Survey | การสำรวจทางธรณีฟิสิกส์, Example: การวัดคลื่นไหวสะเทือนในชั้นหิน เพื่อศึกษาลักษณะโครงสร้างของชั้นหินใต้พื้นดิน และหาโครงสร้างหินที่จะเป็นแหล่งกักเก็บปิโตรเลียม [ปิโตรเลี่ยม] | Seismic exploration | การสำรวจด้วยคลื่นไหวสะเทือน [วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี] | Seismic waves | คลื่นไหวสะเทือน [วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี] | Hurricane microseisms | เฮอร์ริเคนไมโคร ไซสม์ [อุตุนิยมวิทยา] | seismic exploration | seismic exploration, การสำรวจคลื่นไหวสะเทือน [เทคนิคด้านการชลประทานและการระบายน้ำ] | seismograph | seismograph, เครื่องวัดความไหวสะเทือน [เทคนิคด้านการชลประทานและการระบายน้ำ] | Myoseism | กล้ามเนื้อกระตุกไม่เป็นจังหวะ [การแพทย์] |
| And Amy, you told me you were sick, but you look just as pale and tired as always. | Und Amy, mir hast du gesagt, du seist krank, aber du siehst genau so müde und blass aus wie immer. The Anything Can Happen Recurrence (2014) | I didn't want you to think you're alone. | Ich wollte nicht, dass du denkst, du seist allein. Beasts of Burden (2014) | I thought you were dead. | Ich dachte, du seist tot. All Things Must Pass (2014) | That cop, the female, says you're a suspect. | Dieser Cop, die Frau, sie sagt, du seist ein Tatverdächtiger. Who Shaves the Barber? (2014) | Amen." Blessed are you, lord God of all creation. | Gepriesen seist du, Herr Gott der Schöpfung. Silence (2014) | She has a reason for everything, even if sometimes it requires you to act like a well-adjusted member of society. | Sie hat für alles einen Grund, auch wenn es manchmal vorrausetzt, dass du so tust als seist du ein angepasstes Mitglied der Gemeinschaft. Panopticon (2014) | I thought you were the one with the D.O.D. | Ich dachte, du seist diejenige, die im D.O.D. arbeitet. Page Not Found (2014) | I thought you were there. | Ich dachte, du seist direkt daneben. A Lovebirds' Divorce (2014) | Seishi Yokomizo: | Seishi Yokomizo: Live (2014) | I told Rebecca Carlin you were gay. | Ich habe Rebecca Carlin gesagt, dass du schwul seist. Buried Secrets (2014) | Jack, look, I just heard about it, thought you might be interested in it as a cop. | Jack, schau, ich habe nur davon gehört und dachte, du seist vielleicht daran interessiert, als Cop. She Was Provisional (2014) | I spoke to Detective Hosko, who told me you were here. | Ich sprach mit Detective Hosko, der mir sagte, du seist hier. Impetus (2014) | Well, that's funny, 'cause we just spoke to a old business associate of yours up in Halawa, and he said that you are the only organ trafficker left on Oahu. | Nun, das ist lustig, weil wir gerade mit einem alten Geschäftspartner von dir in Halawa sprachen und er sagte, du seist der einzige Organhändler auf Oahu. Makani 'Olu a Holo Malie (2014) | Damn you for this! | Verdammt seist du dafür! Blood Bath (2014) | Goddamn you for this! | Verdammt seist du dafür! Blood Bath (2014) | I thought you were my special family. | Ich dachte, du seist meine besondere Familie. Tupperware Party Massacre (2014) | Hey! Sorry, I thought you were Lyle. | Entschuldige, ich dachte, du seist Lyle. In the Dark (2014) | This morning's press conference was interrupted by an unusual seismic disturbance that has yet to be explai... | Die Pressekonferenz wurde durch eine seismische Störung beendet, für die wir noch keine Erklärung haben. Episode #2.1 (2014) | You told me that you're very religious. | Du hast gesagt, du seist sehr religiös. | - I thought you were dead. - That makes two of us. | - Ich dachte, du seist tot. Appleseed Alpha (2014) | Hey, remember when you said that you're not a lawyer? | Hey, erinnerst du dich daran, als du gesagt hast, dass du keine Anwältin seist? Pound of Flesh (2014) | Wolfsbane. | Wolfseisenhut. I.E.D. (2014) | That's wolfsbane? | Das ist Wolfseisenhut? I.E.D. (2014) | It was laced with wolfsbane. | Sie war mit Wolfseisenhut überzogen. I.E.D. (2014) | Who said that you were intelligent? | Wer sagt, du seist intelligent? La forêt (2014) | "Paloma told him you're a generous man." | Paloma sagte ihm, du seist ein großzügiger Mann. Spooky Action at a Distance (2014) | I told him you wouldn't be interested, so we're gonna take the minivan, and you can take his car. | Ich habe ihm gesagt, du seist nicht interessiert, also nehmen wir den Minivan und du nimmst sein Auto. Episode #1.6 (2014) | - Hi. Now, Martin, it is wonderful to have you here this morning, but may I ask where your parents think you are right now? | Martin, es ist schön, dass du heute Morgen hier bist, aber darf ich dich fragen, wo deine Eltern denken, du gerade seist? Episode #1.6 (2014) | I understand that this is unplanned. | - Was? - Gegrüßt seist du, Jane, voll der Gnade... Chapter One (2014) | Louis, Henderson begged for your old office because he thinks you're the best attorney that's ever walked the face of this earth. | Louis, Henderson hat um dein altes Büro gebettelt, weil er denkt, du seist der beste Anwalt, der jemals den Boden der Erde betreten hat. Exposure (2014) | I said you were a god. | Ich sagte, du seist ein Gott. Episode #2.5 (2014) | I told you that you were a good son, to let me take care of it. | Ich habe dir gesagt, du seist ein guter Sohn, und ich würde das für dich erledigen. Red Door (2014) | Okay, Louis, now that we've firmly established his gayness, why would he think you're gay? | Okay, Louis, Jetzt, wo wir seine Schwulheit felsenfest begründet haben, wieso sollte er glauben, du seist schwul? Two in the Knees (2014) | This wouldn't have anything to do with him thinking you're in love with him, would it? | Das hat nicht zufällig etwas damit zu tun, dass er denkt, du seist in ihn verliebt, oder? Two in the Knees (2014) | We thought you might be Lord and Lady Sinderby. | Wir dachten, du seist Lord und Lady Sinderby. Episode #5.8 (2014) | Damn it, you! | Verflucht seist du! Teachers (2014) | didn't I come to bury you at Pelilla when they told me you had died in battle? | Kam ich nicht nach Pelilla, um dich zu begraben, als es hieß, du seist im Kampf gefallen? Il Trovatore (2014) | They told me you were dead, that you fell over the side of the ship. | Sie sagten mir, du seist tot, dass du über Bord gefallen seist. The Ecstasy of Agony (2014) | There's a rumor you're in Missouri. | Es geht das Gerücht um, du seist in Missouri. Long Time Coming (2014) | Looks like you're my prisoner now. | Scheint, als seist du nun meine Gefangene. Many Happy Returns (2014) | When you went down... I thought you were dead. | Als du gefallen bist, dachte ich, dass du tot seist. Spacewalker (2014) | Ah, no, I just need the right music... to do drugs to. ♪ Work it ♪ Sarah Lynn, I know things got kind of out of hand last time when I tried to make you stop doing drugs. | ich brauche nur die richtige Musik um mich mit Drogen vollzudröhnen. als ich dich von den Drogen loseisen wollte. um mir Drogen zu geben. Downer Ending (2014) | They said you were dangerous and... | Die sagten, du seist gefährlich und... Making Friends and Influencing People (2014) | Hail Mary, the Lord is with thee. | Gegrüßet seist du, Maria, der Herr ist mit dir. L'île aux trésors (2014) | - Shame on you! | - Verflucht seist du. Deliha (2014) | - Shame on you, Kadir! | - Verflicht seist du, Kadir. Deliha (2014) | Rock slides often start with small seismic shifts at ground level. | Felsrutschen gehen oft seismische Verschiebungen im Boden voraus. Dominoes (2014) | I recently read that in Colorado, they have found a link between fracking and increased seismic activity. All right, look. | Vor kurzem habe ich gelesen, dass man in Colorado eine Verbindung gefunden hat zwischen Fracking und erhöhter seismischer Aktivität. The Puzzler in the Pit (2014) | Delaney said you were hot, vaguely Latino. | Delaney sagte du seist irgendwie ein scharf Latino. What I Did for Love (2014) | About being interested to see what she'd choose. | Dass du interessiert seist zu sehen, was sie sich aussucht. Ex Machina (2014) |
| การถือครองที่ดิน | [kān theū khrøng thīdin] (n, exp) EN: seisin | คลื่นแผ่นดินไหว | [khleūn phaendinwai] (n, exp) EN: seismic wave FR: onde sismique [ f ] | แผ่นดินไหว | [phaendinwai] (n) EN: earthquake FR: séisme [ m ] ; tremblement de terre [ m ] | แผ่นดินไหวรุนแรง | [phaendinwai runraēng] (n, exp) FR: violent tremblement de terre [ m ] ; séisme de forte amplitude [ m ] | ระดับความรุนแรง | [radap khwām run raēng] (n) FR: magnitude (d'un séisme) [ f ] | วิชาแผ่นดินไหว | [wichā phaendinwai] (n, exp) EN: seismology FR: séismologie [ f ] |
| | | coseismic | (adj) being where earthquake waves arrive simultaneously, Syn. coseismal | seismic | (adj) subject to or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration, Syn. seismal | seismogram | (n) the graphical record of an earth tremor made by using a seismograph | seismograph | (n) a measuring instrument for detecting and measuring the intensity and direction and duration of movements of the ground (as an earthquake) | seismography | (n) the measurement of tremors and shocks and undulatory movements of earthquakes | seismological | (adj) of or concerned with seismology, Syn. seismologic | seismologist | (n) a geophysicist who studies earthquakes and the mechanical characteristics of the Earth | seismology | (n) the branch of geology that studies earthquakes | seismosaurus | (n) genus of large herbivorous dinosaurs of Cretaceous found in western North America, Syn. genus Seismosaurus | earthquake | (n) shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault plane of from volcanic activity, Syn. temblor, quake, seism | ground-shaker | (n) huge herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous found in western North America, Syn. seismosaur | shock | (n) an instance of agitation of the earth's crust, Syn. seismic disturbance | tremor | (n) a small earthquake, Syn. earth tremor, microseism |
| Anaseismic | a. [ Cf. Gr. &unr_; a shaking up and down. ] Moving up and down; -- said of earthquake shocks. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ] | Microseism | n. [ Micro- + Gr. &unr_; an earthquake, fr. &unr_; to shake. ] A feeble earth tremor not directly perceptible, but detected only by means of specially constructed apparatus. -- Mi`cro*seis"mic Mi`cro*seis"mic*al a. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ] | Microseismograph | n. [ Microseiem + -graph. ] A microseismometer; specif., a microseismometer producing a graphic record. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ] | Microseismology | n. [ Microseiem + -logy. ] Science or study of microseisms. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ] | Microseismometer | n. [ Microseism + -meter. ] A seismometer for measuring amplitudes or periods, or both, of microseisms. -- Mi`cro*seis*mom"e*try n. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] | Seise | v. t. See Seize. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ] ☞ This is the common spelling in the law phrase to be seised of (an estate). [ 1913 Webster ] | Seisin | n. See Seizin. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ] | Seismal | { } a. [ Gr. seismo`s an earthquake, from sei`ein to shake. ] Of or pertaining to an earthquake; caused by an earthquake. [ 1913 Webster ] Seismic vertical, the point upon the earth's surface vertically over the center of effort or focal point whence the earthquake's impulse proceeds, or the vertical line connecting these two points. [ 1913 Webster ] Variants: Seismic | Seismogram | n. [ Gr. &unr_; earthquake + -gram. ] (Physics) The trace or record of an earth tremor, made by means of a seismograph. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ] | Seismograph | n. [ Gr. &unr_;&unr_;&unr_; an earthquake + -graph. ] (Physics) An apparatus for registering the shocks and undulatory motions of earthquakes. [ 1913 Webster ] | Seismographic | a. Of or pertaining to a seismograph; indicated by a seismograph. [ 1913 Webster ] | Seismography | n. 1. A writing about, or a description of, earthquakes. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. The art of registering the shocks and undulatory movements of earthquakes. [ 1913 Webster ] | Seismological | a. Of or pertaining to seismology. -- Seis`mo*log"ic*al*ly, adv. [1913 Webster] | Seismology | n. [ Gr. &unr_;&unr_;&unr_; an earthquake + -logy. ] The science of earthquakes. [ 1913 Webster ] | Seismometer | n. [ Gr. &unr_;&unr_;&unr_; an earthquake + -meter. ] (Physics) An instrument for measuring the direction, duration, and force of earthquakes and like concussions. [ 1913 Webster ] | Seismometric | a. Of or pertaining to seismometry, or seismometer; as, seismometric instruments; seismometric measurements. [ 1913 Webster ] | Seismometry | n. The mensuration of such phenomena of earthquakes as can be expressed in numbers, or by their relation to the coordinates of space. [ 1913 Webster ] | Seismoscope | n. [ Gr. &unr_;&unr_;&unr_; an earthquake + -scope. ] (Physics) A seismometer. [ 1913 Webster ] | Teleseism | n. [ Gr. th^le far + &unr_; shock. ] A seismic movement or shock far from the recording instrument. -- Tel`e*seis"mic a. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] |
| 抗震 | [kàng zhèn, ㄎㄤˋ ㄓㄣˋ, 抗 震] anti-seismic measures; seismic defenses; earthquake resistant #27,103 [Add to Longdo] | 中国地震局 | [Zhōng guó dì zhèn jú, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄉㄧˋ ㄓㄣˋ ㄐㄩˊ, 中 国 地 震 局 / 中 國 地 震 局] China earthquake administration (CEA); State seismological bureau #61,944 [Add to Longdo] | 地震波 | [dì zhèn bō, ㄉㄧˋ ㄓㄣˋ ㄅㄛ, 地 震 波] seismic wave #71,889 [Add to Longdo] | 地震带 | [dì zhèn dài, ㄉㄧˋ ㄓㄣˋ ㄉㄞˋ, 地 震 带 / 地 震 帶] seismic zone; earthquake belt #72,034 [Add to Longdo] | 国家地震局 | [Guó jiā dì zhèn jú, ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄉㄧˋ ㄓㄣˋ ㄐㄩˊ, 国 家 地 震 局 / 國 家 地 震 局] China earthquake administration (CEA); State seismological bureau #73,824 [Add to Longdo] | 地震仪 | [dì zhèn yí, ㄉㄧˋ ㄓㄣˋ ㄧˊ, 地 震 仪 / 地 震 儀] seismometer #110,950 [Add to Longdo] | 地动仪 | [dì dòng yí, ㄉㄧˋ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄧˊ, 地 动 仪 / 地 動 儀] the world's first seismograph invented by Zhang Heng 张衡 in 132; abbr. for 候風地動儀|候风地动仪 #125,354 [Add to Longdo] | 地震区 | [dì zhèn qū, ㄉㄧˋ ㄓㄣˋ ㄑㄩ, 地 震 区 / 地 震 區] seismic zone; earthquake belt #125,530 [Add to Longdo] | 地震学家 | [dì zhèn xué jiā, ㄉㄧˋ ㄓㄣˋ ㄒㄩㄝˊ ㄐㄧㄚ, 地 震 学 家 / 地 震 學 家] seismologist; earthquake scientist #125,539 [Add to Longdo] | 地震学 | [dì zhèn xué, ㄉㄧˋ ㄓㄣˋ ㄒㄩㄝˊ, 地 震 学 / 地 震 學] seismology; science of earthquakes #130,148 [Add to Longdo] | 里克特 | [Lǐ kè tè, ㄌㄧˇ ㄎㄜˋ ㄊㄜˋ, 里 克 特] Richter (name); Charles Francis Richter (1900-1985), US physicist and seismologist, after whom the Richter scale is named #254,356 [Add to Longdo] | 低速层 | [dī sù céng, ㄉㄧ ㄙㄨˋ ㄘㄥˊ, 低 速 层 / 低 速 層] low velocity zone (seismology); also called asthenosphere 軟流層|软流层 #255,554 [Add to Longdo] | 古登堡 | [Gǔ dēng bǎo, ㄍㄨˇ ㄉㄥ ㄅㄠˇ, 古 登 堡] Gutenberg (name); Johannes Gutenberg (c. 1400-1468), inventor in Europe of the printing press; Beno Gutenberg (1889-1960), German-born US seismologist, coinventor of the Richter magnitude scale #519,517 [Add to Longdo] | 中国国家地震局 | [Zhōng guó Guó jiā dì zhèn jú, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄉㄧˋ ㄓㄣˋ ㄐㄩˊ, 中 国 国 家 地 震 局 / 中 國 國 家 地 震 局] China earthquake administration (CEA); State seismological bureau [Add to Longdo] | 中国地震台 | [Zhōng guó dì zhèn tái, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄉㄧˋ ㄓㄣˋ ㄊㄞˊ, 中 国 地 震 台 / 中 國 地 震 台] China earthquake administration (CEA); State seismological bureau [Add to Longdo] | 候风地动仪 | [hòu fēng dì dòng yí, ㄏㄡˋ ㄈㄥ ㄉㄧˋ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄧˊ, 候 风 地 动 仪 / 候 風 地 動 儀] the world's first seismograph invented by Zhang Heng 张衡 in 132 [Add to Longdo] | 和达・清夫 | [Hé dá· Qīng fū, ㄏㄜˊ ㄉㄚˊ· ㄑㄧㄥ ㄈㄨ, 和 达 ・ 清 夫 / 和 達 ・ 清 夫] Wadati Kiyoō (1902-1995), pioneer Japanese seismologist [Add to Longdo] | 地震活动带 | [dì zhèn huó dòng dài, ㄉㄧˋ ㄓㄣˋ ㄏㄨㄛˊ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄉㄞˋ, 地 震 活 动 带 / 地 震 活 動 帶] seismic zone; earthquake belt [Add to Longdo] | 火环 | [huǒ huán, ㄏㄨㄛˇ ㄏㄨㄢˊ, 火 环 / 火 環] "Ring of Fire" (seismic zone surrounding the Pacific) [Add to Longdo] | 毕尼奥夫 | [Bì ní ào fū, ㄅㄧˋ ㄋㄧˊ ㄠˋ ㄈㄨ, 毕 尼 奥 夫 / 畢 尼 奧 夫] Hugo Benioff (1899-1968), CalTech seismologist [Add to Longdo] | 莫霍洛维奇 | [Mò huò luò wéi qí, ㄇㄛˋ ㄏㄨㄛˋ ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄨㄟˊ ㄑㄧˊ, 莫 霍 洛 维 奇 / 莫 霍 洛 維 奇] Andrija Mohorovichich or Mohorovičić (1857-1936), Croatian geologist and seismologist who discovered the Mohorovichich discontinuity or Moho [Add to Longdo] |
| 生産 | [せいさん, seisan] TH: ผลผลิตทางอุตสาหกรรม, ผลิต EN: production (vs) | 生産 | [せいさん, seisan] TH: ผลิตผลจากโรงงานอุตสาหกรรม EN: manufacture |
| | 制作 | [せいさく, seisaku] (n, vs) (1) work (film, book); (2) production; creation; (P) #422 [Add to Longdo] | 製作 | [せいさく, seisaku] (n, vs, adj-no) manufacture; production; (P) #496 [Add to Longdo] | 成績 | [せいせき, seiseki] (n) results; record; grades; (P) #654 [Add to Longdo] | 正式 | [せいしき, seishiki] (adj-na, adj-no, n) due form; official; formality; (P) #1,065 [Add to Longdo] | 政策 | [せいさく, seisaku] (n) political measures; policy; (P) #1,475 [Add to Longdo] | 清水 | [しみず;せいすい;きよみず, shimizu ; seisui ; kiyomizu] (n) (1) spring water; (2) clear (pure) water #1,494 [Add to Longdo] | 精神 | [せいしん, seishin] (n) mind; soul; heart; spirit; intention; (P) #1,592 [Add to Longdo] | 青春 | [せいしゅん, seishun] (n, adj-no) youth; springtime of life; adolescent; (P) #2,664 [Add to Longdo] | 性質 | [せいしつ, seishitsu] (n) nature; property; disposition; (P) #3,542 [Add to Longdo] | 聖書 | [せいしょ, seisho] (n, adj-no) Bible; scriptures; (P) #3,583 [Add to Longdo] | 生成 | [せいせい, seisei] (n, vs) creation; generation; formation; derivation; (P) #3,709 [Add to Longdo] | 生息(P);栖息;棲息 | [せいそく, seisoku] (n, vs) inhabiting; living; (P) #4,122 [Add to Longdo] | 正室 | [せいしつ, seishitsu] (n) (1) (See 側室, 本妻) legal wife (of a noble) (as opposed to a concubine); (2) (See 表座敷・おもてざしき) room for receiving guests; (3) (obsc) heir; successor #6,568 [Add to Longdo] | 製作所 | [せいさくしょ;せいさくじょ, seisakusho ; seisakujo] (n) works; factory; plant #7,366 [Add to Longdo] | 整数 | [せいすう, seisuu] (n) integer; whole number; (P) #8,930 [Add to Longdo] | 青少年 | [せいしょうねん, seishounen] (n) youth; young person; (P) #8,981 [Add to Longdo] | 青色 | [あおいろ;せいしょく, aoiro ; seishoku] (n, adj-no) blue #9,476 [Add to Longdo] | 聖職 | [せいしょく, seishoku] (n, adj-no) sacred profession; holy orders; vocation; ministry #10,090 [Add to Longdo] | 制裁 | [せいさい, seisai] (n, vs) restraint; sanctions; punishment; (P) #10,363 [Add to Longdo] | 静止 | [せいし, seishi] (n, vs, adj-no) stillness; repose; standing still; (P) #10,799 [Add to Longdo] | 清掃 | [せいそう, seisou] (n, vs) cleaning; (P) #11,072 [Add to Longdo] | 生殖 | [せいしょく, seishoku] (n, vs, adj-no) reproduction; (P) #11,855 [Add to Longdo] | 正史 | [せいし, seishi] (n) (See 正式の歴史) official history; authorized history #12,045 [Add to Longdo] | 正則 | [せいそく, seisoku] (adj-na, n, adj-no) correct; proper; formal; regular; systematic; normal; (P) #12,299 [Add to Longdo] | 精査 | [せいさ, seisa] (n, vs) close investigation; careful examination; scrutiny #13,045 [Add to Longdo] | 清算 | [せいさん, seisan] (n, vs) (1) settlement (financial); squaring accounts; clearing debts; (2) liquidation; (3) ending (a relationship); breaking up (with); burying (the past); redeeming (one's faults); (P) #14,222 [Add to Longdo] | 制式 | [せいしき, seishiki] (n) (See 決まり・きまり・1) defined style; predetermined style; official style; rule #14,230 [Add to Longdo] | 郵政省 | [ゆうせいしょう, yuuseishou] (n) Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications; (P) #15,980 [Add to Longdo] | 聖戦 | [せいせん, seisen] (n) holy war; crusade; (P) #16,139 [Add to Longdo] | 救世主 | [きゅうせいしゅ, kyuuseishu] (n) saviour; messiah; (P) #16,496 [Add to Longdo] | 厚生省 | [こうせいしょう, kouseishou] (n) (See 厚生労働省) Ministry of Health and Welfare (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare); (P) #16,532 [Add to Longdo] | 精製 | [せいせい, seisei] (n, vs, adj-no) purification; (P) #16,612 [Add to Longdo] | 姓氏 | [せいし, seishi] (n) full name; family name #17,097 [Add to Longdo] | 精神病 | [せいしんびょう, seishinbyou] (n) mental illness; psychosis #17,497 [Add to Longdo] | 中性子 | [ちゅうせいし, chuuseishi] (n) neutron; (P) #17,846 [Add to Longdo] | 精子 | [せいし, seishi] (n, adj-no) sperm; (P) #18,181 [Add to Longdo] | 製紙 | [せいし, seishi] (n) paper making; paper manufacture; (P) #18,484 [Add to Longdo] | 地学;地球科学 | [ちがく(地学);ちきゅうかがく(地球科学), chigaku ( chigaku ); chikyuukagaku ( chikyuukagaku )] (n) earth sciences (geology, mineralogy, petrology, geophysics, geochemistry, seismology, etc.) #18,648 [Add to Longdo] | 生死 | [せいし(P);しょうし;しょうじ, seishi (P); shoushi ; shouji] (n) (1) life and death; (2) (しょうし, しょうじ only) { Buddh } samsara (cycle of death and rebirth); (3) (しょうし, しょうじ only) death; (P) #18,719 [Add to Longdo] | うっ血性心不全 | [うっけつせいしんふぜん, ukketsuseishinfuzen] (n) congestive heart failure; CHF [Add to Longdo] | アキュゼイション;アキュセイション | [akyuzeishon ; akyuseishon] (n) accusation [Add to Longdo] | アジア的生産様式 | [アジアてきせいさんようしき, ajia tekiseisanyoushiki] (n) Asiatic mode of production (Marx) [Add to Longdo] | アドレス生成 | [アドレスせいせい, adoresu seisei] (n) { comp } address generation [Add to Longdo] | アナログ信号生成器 | [アナログしんごうせいせいき, anarogu shingouseiseiki] (n) { comp } analog signal generator [Add to Longdo] | アルカリ性食品 | [アルカリせいしょくひん, arukari seishokuhin] (n) alkaline food [Add to Longdo] | アレルギー性疾患 | [アレルギーせいしっかん, arerugi-seishikkan] (n) allergic disease [Add to Longdo] | イベントを生成する | [イベントをせいせいする, ibento woseiseisuru] (exp, vs-i) { comp } to generate an event; to trigger an event [Add to Longdo] | インスリン抵抗性症候群 | [インスリンていこうせいしょうこうぐん, insurin teikouseishoukougun] (n) insulin-resistance syndrome [Add to Longdo] | インフレ政策 | [インフレせいさく, infure seisaku] (n) inflationary policy [Add to Longdo] | ウイルス性疾患 | [ウイルスせいしっかん, uirusu seishikkan] (n) viral disease [Add to Longdo] |
| アドレス生成 | [アドレスせいせい, adoresu seisei] address generation [Add to Longdo] | コミットメント調整者 | [こみっとめんとちょうせいしゃ, komittomentochouseisha] commitment coordinator [Add to Longdo] | コンピューター援用生産 | [コンピューターえんようせいさん, konpyu-ta-enyouseisan] computer-aided manufacture, CAM [Add to Longdo] | コンピュータ統合生産 | [コンピュータとうごうせいさん, konpyu-ta tougouseisan] CIM, Computer Integrated Manufacturing [Add to Longdo] | システム生成 | [システムせいせい, shisutemu seisei] system generation, sysgen (acronym) [Add to Longdo] | システム適合性試験報告書 | [システムてきごうせいしけんほうこくしょ, shisutemu tekigouseishikenhoukokusho] SCTR [Add to Longdo] | システム適合性宣言 | [システムてきごうせいせんげん, shisutemu tekigouseisengen] system conformance statement [Add to Longdo] | テープ複製装置 | [テープふくせいそうち, te-pu fukuseisouchi] tape reproducer [Add to Longdo] | プロトコル実装適合性宣言 | [ぷろとこるじっそうてきごうせいせんげん, purotokorujissoutekigouseisengen] PICS [Add to Longdo] | プロトコル適合性試験報告書 | [ぷろとこるてきごうせいしけんほうこくしょ, purotokorutekigouseishikenhoukokusho] PCTR [Add to Longdo] | マクロ生成プログラム | [マクロせいせいプログラム, makuro seisei puroguramu] macrogenerator, macroprocessor [Add to Longdo] | マクロ生成系 | [マクロせいせいけい, makuro seiseikei] macrogenerator, macroprocessor [Add to Longdo] | メタファイル生成系 | [めたファイルせいせいけい, meta fairu seiseikei] metafile generator [Add to Longdo] | 音声合成装置 | [おんせいごうせいそうち, onseigouseisouchi] speech synthesizer [Add to Longdo] | 音声処理技術 | [おんせいしょりぎじゅつ, onseishorigijutsu] voice processing technology [Add to Longdo] | 画面静止 | [がめんせいし, gamenseishi] screen capture [Add to Longdo] | 共同利用型音声照会通知システム | [きょうどうりようけいおんせいしょうかいつうちシステム, kyoudouriyoukeionseishoukaitsuuchi shisutemu] ANSER, Automatic Answer Network System for Electrical Request [Add to Longdo] | 強制衝突 | [きょうせいしょうとつ, kyouseishoutotsu] collision enforcement [Add to Longdo] | 互換性試験 | [ごかんせいしけん, gokanseishiken] compatibility, interoperability test [Add to Longdo] | 構成制御 | [こうせいせいぎょ, kouseiseigyo] configuration control [Add to Longdo] | 構成制御委員会 | [こうせいせいぎょいいんかい, kouseiseigyoiinkai] configuration control board [Add to Longdo] | 構成節 | [こうせいせつ, kouseisetsu] configuration section [Add to Longdo] | 高精細度テレビ | [こうせいさいどテレビ, kouseisaido terebi] High Definition Television, HDTV [Add to Longdo] | 再生速度 | [さいせいそくど, saiseisokudo] refresh rate [Add to Longdo] | 作成者 | [さくせいしゃ, sakuseisha] implementor, author [Add to Longdo] | 作成者語 | [さくせいしゃご, sakuseishago] implementor-name [Add to Longdo] | 使用性試験 | [しようせいしけん, shiyouseishiken] usability test, fitness-for-use test [Add to Longdo] | 自動資料作成支援システム | [じどうしりょうさくせいしえんシステム, jidoushiryousakuseishien shisutemu] ADCAS, Auto Documentation Aid System [Add to Longdo] | 自動生成 | [じどうせいせい, jidouseisei] automatic creation [Add to Longdo] | 整数 | [せいすう, seisuu] integer, integer number [Add to Longdo] | 整数以外 | [せいすういがい, seisuuigai] non-integer [Add to Longdo] | 整数型 | [せいすうがた, seisuugata] integer type [Add to Longdo] | 整数計画法 | [せいすうけいかくほう, seisuukeikakuhou] integer programming [Add to Longdo] | 整数値 | [せいすうち, seisuuchi] integer value [Add to Longdo] | 正書法 | [せいしょほう, seishohou] reference format [Add to Longdo] | 生産者 | [せいさんしゃ, seisansha] manufacturer [Add to Longdo] | 生産性 | [せいさんせい, seisansei] productivity [Add to Longdo] | 生産側非同期手続き | [せいさんがわひどうきてつづき, seisangawahidoukitetsuduki] producer [Add to Longdo] | 生成 | [せいせい, seisei] generation [Add to Longdo] | 生成規則 | [せいせいきそく, seiseikisoku] production [Add to Longdo] | 生成子完全集合 | [せいせいしかんぜんしゅうごう, seiseishikanzenshuugou] complete generator set [Add to Longdo] | 生成子部分集合 | [せいせいしぶぶんしゅうごう, seiseishibubunshuugou] partial generator set [Add to Longdo] | 製作会社 | [せいさくがいしゃ, seisakugaisha] manufacturing company [Add to Longdo] | 静止画 | [せいしが, seishiga] still image [Add to Longdo] | 静止画像 | [せいしがぞう, seishigazou] background image, static image [Add to Longdo] | 静的適合性審査 | [せいてきてきごうせいしんさ, seitekitekigouseishinsa] static conformance review [Add to Longdo] | 相互動作性試験 | [そうごどうさせいしけん, sougodousaseishiken] interoperability test, study [Add to Longdo] | 属性指定 | [ぞくせいしてい, zokuseishitei] attribute specification [Add to Longdo] | 属性指定並び | [ぞくせいしていならび, zokuseishiteinarabi] attribute specification list [Add to Longdo] | 多品種中少量生産システム | [たひんしゅちゅうしょうりょうせいさんシステム, tahinshuchuushouryouseisan shisutemu] Flexible Manufacturing System, FMS [Add to Longdo] |
| 井泉 | [せいせん, seisen] Brunnen [Add to Longdo] | 厚生省 | [こうせいしょう, kouseishou] Ministerium_fuer_Soziales, Sozialministerium [Add to Longdo] | 合成繊維 | [ごうせいせんい, gouseisen'i] Kunstfaser [Add to Longdo] | 国民総生産 | [こくみんそうせいさん, kokuminsouseisan] Bruttosozialprodukt [Add to Longdo] | 大量生産 | [たいりょうせいさん, tairyouseisan] Massenproduktion [Add to Longdo] | 性質 | [せいしつ, seishitsu] Natur, Anlage [Add to Longdo] | 成績 | [せいせき, seiseki] Leistung, Resultat, Ergebnis [Add to Longdo] | 成績表 | [せいせきひょう, seisekihyou] Zensurenliste, Zeugnis [Add to Longdo] | 政策 | [せいさく, seisaku] Politik [Add to Longdo] | 整数 | [せいすう, seisuu] die_ganze_Zahl [Add to Longdo] | 旧約聖書 | [きゅうやくせいしょ, kyuuyakuseisho] das_Alte_Testament [Add to Longdo] | 植物性脂肪 | [しょくぶつせいしぼう, shokubutsuseishibou] Pflanzenfett [Add to Longdo] | 正式 | [せいしき, seishiki] vorgeschriebene_Form [Add to Longdo] | 清掃夫 | [せいそうふ, seisoufu] Strassenkehrer, Muellabfuhrmann, Muellmann [Add to Longdo] | 清書 | [せいしょ, seisho] Reinschrift [Add to Longdo] | 清水 | [せいすい, seisui] Kiyomizu (Name) [Add to Longdo] | 清水 | [せいすい, seisui] reines_Wasser, klares_Wasser [Add to Longdo] | 清水 | [せいすい, seisui] reines_Wasser, klares_Wasser [Add to Longdo] | 清算 | [せいさん, seisan] Rechnungsabschluss, Bilanz [Add to Longdo] | 清酒 | [せいしゅ, seishu] feiner_Sake, raffinierter_Sake [Add to Longdo] | 為政者 | [いせいしゃ, iseisha] Staatsmann [Add to Longdo] | 犠牲者 | [ぎせいしゃ, giseisha] Opfer [Add to Longdo] | 生殖 | [せいしょく, seishoku] Zeugung, Fortpflanzung [Add to Longdo] | 生産 | [せいさん, seisan] Produktion, Erzeugnis [Add to Longdo] | 盛衰 | [せいすい, seisui] Aufstieg_und_Fall, Schicksal [Add to Longdo] | 精神 | [せいしん, seishin] Geist, Seele, Psyche [Add to Longdo] | 精粋 | [せいすい, seisui] -rein, unverfaelscht, selbstlos [Add to Longdo] | 精選 | [せいせん, seisen] Auslese, sorgfaeltige_Auswahl [Add to Longdo] | 聖書 | [せいしょ, seisho] Heilige_Schrift, Bibel [Add to Longdo] | 製作 | [せいさく, seisaku] Herstellung, Anfertigung [Add to Longdo] | 誠心誠意 | [せいしんせいい, seishinseii] Aufrichtigkeit, Ehrlichkeit [Add to Longdo] | 鋳鉄 | [ちゅうてつ, chuutetsu] Gusseisen [Add to Longdo] | 青少年 | [せいしょうねん, seishounen] Jugend [Add to Longdo] | 青春 | [せいしゅん, seishun] Fruehling_des_Lebens, Jugendzeit [Add to Longdo] | 青酸 | [せいさん, seisan] Blausaeure [Add to Longdo] | 静止 | [せいし, seishi] Stille, Ruhe, Stillstand [Add to Longdo] | 静粛 | [せいしゅく, seishuku] die_Stille, das_Stillschweigen [Add to Longdo] |
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